Monday, June 21, 2010

" CORRUPT " to " Uncorrupt "

India has been governed the corrupt way since long, so long that it has become an intrinsic to most of the system operations. Today's generation, being more educated and exposed to various cultures ,is raising soo much of hue and cry now about barring corrupt practics, tackle corruption headon , right to information and so on so forth.... trust me; many tried and lost , not because they didn't had the motivation or will to do so; but just that they used the wrong method. Corruption cannot be eradicated with "satyagrah" , it has to be a more contextual and implementable method to eradicate it.

lemme give you three reasons to use " corruption " to eradicate corruption ...

1. India has been governed by a legal system which was not developed for it, there has been a force fit of environment with the framework. Hence the current legal and administrative systems have flaws which allow loophole for corruption.

2. The system has grown used to " corruption " and has gained stagnation. It moves only when u "grease" the corrupt ingredients in the system.

3. A stand still system is "inefficient" and unproductive. A soft tool of corruption , if applied will " move " the system and improve it's efficiency.

There has to be an understanding that using corruption to make system eficient has to be with the the motive of implementing "regulation" from corruption not the otherwise.

This is an opening dialogue, a thought to feed on and a concept to build upon .


Tazzy said...

Well written, but i sincerely feel this can never end, the scope can be minimized.

Corrupt practise come into picture because of ignorance of others, and why is it so because system is never transparent, why it is not transparent because certain people want to stay at top...................

Unknown said...

I am of the opinion; Being "Corrupt" is reflection of one's character;

As children; what inhibited us from committing immoral acts like "Lying; stealing; violence" was a stick or taking away of certain priviledges like chocolates; play time; toys etc. Similarly; We need to develop a strong cane against corruption;

Breach of Integrity should never be tolerated; "Firing" rather than "transferring" should be the mode; Heavy fines for doubtful cases;

"Fear & Pain" are not always bad; This implementation might have to come from higher authorities but this i feel is our best hope.