Saturday, September 1, 2007

""D"" Party ..

It was the last day in trainin shop for us .... us??yeah ..  the"D"group.... the most diversified group of GET 2007 , 
ppl ranging frm hardworking vineet to a non worker pravjyot :),
frm a non existant amrendra to omnipresent pandey ..( he's got more acronyms thn nyone on planet ..hehe) .. but thts nother story .. wud sure write bout tht nxt time .. but tis blog's dedicated to our party tht eve...

time sakchi.. venue tango .. hmm the combination looked pretty gud :)
swetabh was frst to reach .. all dressed up in blue.. lookin cool enough .. but sure irritated by the fact tht every one else was late  .. :) nyways by 7 everyone was thr.. lookin cool enough .. vineet in funky red shrt n trousers,riggi in sapphire blue, pradeep .. gentleman white, gurpratap.. daring red ,manu in casual best ,pandey..hmmm donno ..but he was at his best .. :) ..n me ... 
hehe jus ma beloved tees n cargo..but thr was smthin missin ... smthin gorgious n gracious ... the two ladies in our grp.. :) they were,as usual in case of ladies, late.. :)
but sure they came .. suruchi as sweet as ever...n anu ... gorgious as moon .. :) ( hey i can play wid words na..?? )
wid initial hiccups ..we all settled for dinner.. me b/w two ladies .. :) .. ppl diversed into veggies and nonveggies... thr was evrythin but coordination for frst couple of minutes;as far as placin orders is concerned ..but alls well tht ends well.. plates decorated wid various items were in front of us ... lemme tell ya anu was most focussed of all of us ...i wish i shared sm of her focus apart frm food.. :)but nyways do i need give ny details of our eatin part?? i don think so ... :)

but hey ppl jus wait ... the blog is incomplete without nythin written bout chanda ji.. the super human among us mortals.. sure he has a cool appetite.. (i'll put up pics soon..).. he sang his trademark song ..n won our heart all again.. :)

hmm .. it was 9 n the gals had to leave.. our party had to end on a very short notice .. but sure it was hell lotta fun .. hey lemme tell ya we guys had fun after tht... but lets save it for nxt blog .. :)  

time to wind up buddies..
time to raise toast ... HAPPY DAYS TO US ..HAPPY DAYS TO GROUP "D"

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