Wednesday, May 16, 2007

is "IT" or jusss... ??

she was awsome.. jus outta this world... he cudn't get his eyes o'er her ..felt smthin like pain in his heart..was"IT" love or jusss...??
browsing thru pages of a social networkin site .. he jus overlooked a profile.. but realised soon ... clicked it and went thru chkin tha profile.. it read in bold words.." STRANGERS KEEP AWAY..."but optismistic he was.. jus cliked "add as frnd" tab... popped in a "hii " in her scrapbook and waited ......................
nxt day .. while loogin to his account ..he was joyed findin a scrap frm sm familiar profile... "yeah's she.. " he mused ... scrap read " DO i KNOW U... ???".. smart he was..replied scraping .. " nopes ..but thts wht orkut is forrr :) " again waited.........
this time the rply from her was pretty fast .. and it was positive .. the guy was exhalted.. the conversations began.. ranging frm usual talks ( frm day one. ) to smthin really personal.... untill ...
he asked for her contact .. the gal hesitated ... but obliged .. sealin their bonds of frnship....( or was it smthin else...).. exchangin pics .. webcams ... mssnger .. everythin tht technology provides ..brought thm really closer..... till one day................
he decided to bid her proposal.. picked up his cell..dialled the no. engraved on his heart.. chit chatted a while ...and juss blasted his feelingsss..... but the very nxt moment....."we r jus frnsss .. never looked up to u tht way" .. his world feel apart .... jus sank on his bed .. looking towards nothin..... musing ..was "IT" love or jussssss...................????


Aashutosh said...

nice one yaar...very close to reality....i get a feeling that even i have cum across a profile stating "STRANGERS KEEP AWAY"...

Lone Ranger said...

hmm yeah ..its basd on reality bro..