Monday, November 26, 2007

Love...... darkness leadin to sunshine ....

Somewhere in life ppl do things which they sudn't ...smtime they dont do things ought to be done.."

jus browsin thru a social networkin site ...he jus cudnt beleive his luck ... the computer screen flashed a name he hoped he knew.. hurriedly flashed a frnd req and went to bed ...dreamin bout all gud things to come ... he waited .... not more ..three days later a scrap beamed his face... he was correct .. she was the one he was lookin for... as scraps followed one after other .. memoirs of past started flowin like a river wid golden water wid him siting on banks of silver sand.....

he was an avg guy at school..but adorned wid good looks..ny gal wud fall for ...but he ....he fell for a gal he didn't knw..or had ny chance for interaction .. watchin her evry day durin mornin prayers and evenin bus ..he hoped for a miracle... days passed by but he cudn't get himslf to her ... finally loosin her to crowed of professionalism....

his eyes filled wid love for her ...

jus thn his cell lighted... an unknwn no. ... he chipped in a "hello" .. the voice on other side was hers...he cudn't forget it .. time flowed like vaccuume... he found his love bak... or he hoped so..
couple of calls followed ..and he blurted out his feelings .. she was silent .. those moments tore into his ears like lava does though heart of earth... she rplied ... and hanged up... he was awstruck... the rply was positive...

world seemed a better place to be in... mornings seemed golden and evenings -a strike of diamond ..
he was in love... his life movin away frm darkness of lonliness to sunshine of companionship...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

""D"" Party ..

It was the last day in trainin shop for us .... us??yeah ..  the"D"group.... the most diversified group of GET 2007 , 
ppl ranging frm hardworking vineet to a non worker pravjyot :),
frm a non existant amrendra to omnipresent pandey ..( he's got more acronyms thn nyone on planet ..hehe) .. but thts nother story .. wud sure write bout tht nxt time .. but tis blog's dedicated to our party tht eve...

time sakchi.. venue tango .. hmm the combination looked pretty gud :)
swetabh was frst to reach .. all dressed up in blue.. lookin cool enough .. but sure irritated by the fact tht every one else was late  .. :) nyways by 7 everyone was thr.. lookin cool enough .. vineet in funky red shrt n trousers,riggi in sapphire blue, pradeep .. gentleman white, gurpratap.. daring red ,manu in casual best ,pandey..hmmm donno ..but he was at his best .. :) ..n me ... 
hehe jus ma beloved tees n cargo..but thr was smthin missin ... smthin gorgious n gracious ... the two ladies in our grp.. :) they were,as usual in case of ladies, late.. :)
but sure they came .. suruchi as sweet as ever...n anu ... gorgious as moon .. :) ( hey i can play wid words na..?? )
wid initial hiccups ..we all settled for dinner.. me b/w two ladies .. :) .. ppl diversed into veggies and nonveggies... thr was evrythin but coordination for frst couple of minutes;as far as placin orders is concerned ..but alls well tht ends well.. plates decorated wid various items were in front of us ... lemme tell ya anu was most focussed of all of us ...i wish i shared sm of her focus apart frm food.. :)but nyways do i need give ny details of our eatin part?? i don think so ... :)

but hey ppl jus wait ... the blog is incomplete without nythin written bout chanda ji.. the super human among us mortals.. sure he has a cool appetite.. (i'll put up pics soon..).. he sang his trademark song ..n won our heart all again.. :)

hmm .. it was 9 n the gals had to leave.. our party had to end on a very short notice .. but sure it was hell lotta fun .. hey lemme tell ya we guys had fun after tht... but lets save it for nxt blog .. :)  

time to wind up buddies..
time to raise toast ... HAPPY DAYS TO US ..HAPPY DAYS TO GROUP "D"

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

is "IT" or jusss... ??

she was awsome.. jus outta this world... he cudn't get his eyes o'er her ..felt smthin like pain in his heart..was"IT" love or jusss...??
browsing thru pages of a social networkin site .. he jus overlooked a profile.. but realised soon ... clicked it and went thru chkin tha profile.. it read in bold words.." STRANGERS KEEP AWAY..."but optismistic he was.. jus cliked "add as frnd" tab... popped in a "hii " in her scrapbook and waited ......................
nxt day .. while loogin to his account ..he was joyed findin a scrap frm sm familiar profile... "yeah's she.. " he mused ... scrap read " DO i KNOW U... ???".. smart he was..replied scraping .. " nopes ..but thts wht orkut is forrr :) " again waited.........
this time the rply from her was pretty fast .. and it was positive .. the guy was exhalted.. the conversations began.. ranging frm usual talks ( frm day one. ) to smthin really personal.... untill ...
he asked for her contact .. the gal hesitated ... but obliged .. sealin their bonds of frnship....( or was it smthin else...).. exchangin pics .. webcams ... mssnger .. everythin tht technology provides ..brought thm really closer..... till one day................
he decided to bid her proposal.. picked up his cell..dialled the no. engraved on his heart.. chit chatted a while ...and juss blasted his feelingsss..... but the very nxt moment....."we r jus frnsss .. never looked up to u tht way" .. his world feel apart .... jus sank on his bed .. looking towards nothin..... musing ..was "IT" love or jussssss...................????

Friday, May 4, 2007

Is This New End ???????

the camera were flashin ..
people in their gorgious best...
everyone lookin as composed as romans..
a friend called for a shot.. hugged each other and smiled at the flash bulb.. it clicked..

the years spent at bit went past in that one click.. i can still see that fragile figure trying to be composed in front of seniors... gagged by them .. being mocked at his gaudy dress.. but still keeping cool.. meetin a friend for life at the staircase .. sharing his lunchbox.. his secrets .. all.... his years were passing as easy as they can be... making friends .. escapades to khalsa.. late nite movies.. everything ...... before ....

he met smone ... smone with smile that can melt stones... euyes tht can sink ocean.... he thought he's in luv .. did try to express it but...
years passed by .. he grew up to be a cool dude.. in a cool branch.. imbibing every sindicates of life ... playin his tune and allowin others to play theirs... makin everyone around himself an epithome of happiness ........ he never feared losing those days .. that life... untill now...

as i sit and watch the setting sun .. with all its aroma of gold being spread in silver wind.... jus wonder wethr this is a new beginning .. or its a new end........???

havent got my answer yet...