Monday, February 8, 2010

SAVE my State ....

Date :February 8th

Place: Firayalal Chowk ,Ranchi, Jharkhand

Activity : effigy burning “ceremony “ of government of Jharkhand

“Wow” … I thought, can government by “effigified” ? And is it justified to blame a handful of people for present situation of Jharkhand? I don’t think so.

Since it’s conceivement, Jharkhand has been through a lot of post natal complications. Innumerable form of governments, various “well wishing” netas, Union governments and a nagging neighbor …. Jharkhand has seen it all. Still after about 10 years of subjection to mayhem both from administration and common man , my state hasn’t yet taken off for development. And by development I don’t mean broad roads , street lighting , CCDs or hukka points.

I mean are our people in Jharkhand have grown mature enough to take in the onus of development of state? I don’t think so. I don’t want to go into what the problems of Jharkhand are? There is no need to. Because most of the people are already doing that … I want to look out for options which could help my state. And I need your help for it

If we consider Jharkhand as an organization, there ought to be various stakeholders in it .Let me chalk out the various stakeholders in Jharkhand … it’s just one …. Common man in Jharkhand

Surprised? Confused? …. Even I was when I sat down to chalk out the stakeholders .

Every problem starts and ends with common people in Jharkhand, those who are satisfied with administration work with it , those who are not turn out to be Naxals …

I request you to kindly pour in your views about how to empower the common man in Jharkhand to make MY State a better place ….

I would keep sharing my views with you for further discussion

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